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Rainbow Part 2

Chapter Name

Now The Leaves Are Falling fast


W.H. Auden


Science, Commerce & Arts


Summary of English Class 12 Chapter 3

English Class 12 Chapter 3 Objective

English Class 12 Chapter 3 Subjective

English Class 12 Chapter 3 Bihar Board

12th English 100 Marks Bihar Board : Here you can find class 12th english 100 marks chapter 3 Summary in english for Bihar Board exam 2024. Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast summary is very important for Bihar board examination.

Summary of Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast Class 12

“Now the leaves are falling fast” is a poem written by W H Auden. He left England as early as 1939 to settle permanently in the United States In this poem the poet has tried to tell us about human life. Human life is full of frustration. every people has some aim in his life which he wants to fulfil but only few get success and the rest just aspire for.  The poet has tried to tell us while giving an example of a plant. In the autumn season the leaves of plants fall very fast and the plant look naked. This is the same condition of human life.  The poet has discussed about a plant name is Trolls. This is very weak plant and depends on the other plants for his livelihood. As in the autumn season the leaves of the plant fall and because of this Trolls die. This is the same when the death detach us from real life & all our desires remain calm. it’s really a fine poem by W H Auden in which he has brilliantly talk about the harsh reality- death. And also advised us to be like a mountain who quenches the thirst of travelers in their last distress.

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